Luc Michel, Geopolitician:
“The West opposes democratic development in the Central African Republic”
(5 June 2023 on AFRIQUE MEDIA TV website)

“Western countries are observing with concern the widespread public support for President Touadera and for numerous Africans in neighboring countries who want a future for Africa free of colonialism and for African states to be self-governing.

On the other hand, a secure and strong Central African Republic weakens the colonial policy of Western countries, particularly France. The aim of Western countries is to weaken democratic development in the Central African Republic, because this country is an example of the fight for total independence from France.

Most recently, President Touadera signed a decree calling for a referendum on a new constitution, which should put a definitive end to the cycle of uprisings and violence that France and its Western friends have repeatedly incited.

In order to oppose democratic development in the Central African Republic, American NGOs, with the support of France, are currently preparing to unleash a new wave of disinformation against the Touadera government and the activities of their allies, the Russian instructors in Bangui.

There are many ways in which the West is trying to complicate the development and prosperity of African countries, first and foremost by preventing the close relationship between the Central African Republic and the Russian Federation. Especially after the Central African Republic, through its partnership with the Russian Federation, was able to prevent a new wave of bloodshed, and was also able to bring peace and stability to the local population.

The poor diplomatic relations between Russia and Western countries have had a significant impact on the partnership between the Central African Republic and Russia, which has led to the establishment of security and peace in the Central African Republic and the growing popularity of Russian instructors in Africa.

Western countries want to maintain their control over Africa, and are trying in various ways to break the close relationship between Russia and Africa.”

* NOTE 1
The Belgian (Flemish) daily newspaper De Morgen already wrote in December 2022: “Michel will now act as a geopolitical entrepreneur to enlarge the Russian sphere of influence in Africa: “a group of independent entrepreneurs, we have invented the concept of hybrid warfare. We work with Russia, but we don’t pay for security services. A hybrid war feeds on different ways: military, diplomatic and communication. I do the latter. “And then there is the Belgian, the activist Luc Michel, with whom it all started. He, together with the ideologue Jean Thiriart (…) with the organization of the elections, shaped the instruments of the reconquest of the Soviet empire and created a space, from Lisbon to Vladivostok”. Michel is delighted with the results of the last referendums in the People’s Republics of Luhansk, Donetsk,

* NOTE 2
Lire ausi :
Esquisse de la guerre hybride. L’action de Luc Michel en tant qu’ ‘entrepreneur géopolitique indépendant’

* NOTE 3
Une précision. Les politologues sérieux, pas les flics de la pensée politique des Universités franco-belges (qui sont souvent des flics tout court, correspondant des polices politiques), classent dans une même catégorie, qu’ils nomment le « National-communisme », des mouvements politiques comme le KPRF russe, le régime de LUKASHENKO au Belarus ou encore le SPS de MILOSEVIC ou la JUL, la « Gauche Unie Yougoslave » de Mirjana MARKOVIC. ET bien entendu notre PCN, qui idéologiquement et politiquement, les a tous précédé de presque une décennie. Lorsque nous étions représentés au Parlement Wallon, en Belgique, dans les Années 1996-98, la questure nous avait étiquetés «national-communistes» (le FN y était étiqueté « extrême-droite »). En 1996-98, nous avions des élus, dont un député, au Parlement Wallon, au Parlement de la Communauté française de Belgique et de 1996 au 1999 au Conseil provincial du Hainaut.

* NOTE 4
« Une tentative du même M. THIRIART (la Jeune-Europe des années 60) a essuyé un échec. Au début des années 80 ses adhérents ont fait une nouvelle tentative: le PCN a été fondé en Belgique (…) Le parti des adhérents de M. THIRIART c’est quelque chose dans le genre de l’Internationale de Marx (…) (A. IVANOV dans ROUSSKI VESTNIK, « Les idées de Jean Thiriart: un commentaire nécessaire », Moscou, septembre 1992).